

5 Signs You're Not Mature

Disclaimer: The information given below is just for educational purpose, not for professional guidance, and based on personal opinion. There is no intention of hurting anyone or pointing out anyone. If you found difficulty in daily life because of your behaviour, it is always recommended to contact a health professional.

Many of us heard that maturity comes with age, but I will not support this saying because age does not have much role in someone's maturity. Do you know whether you are mature enough according to your age? If not, then read the complete article because I will tell you about the 5 signs of behaviour showing that you are still immature. 

I have seen many people who are older than me but they are so immature that they cannot even handle a situation, they start acting childish or mannerless when they encounter any situation. There are people younger than me who are so mature. So what decides the maturity of a person?

There are many parameters for measuring maturity, but today, I will discuss immaturity's behavioural and psychological signs. 

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Signs that You're Not Mature

1. You Blame Others for Your Own Mistakes

Photo by Adi Goldstein on Unsplash

When a person blames others for the mistake he has made, then it is a very immature act. In the situation, when something does not happen as per their planning or happens something wrong, an immature person starts blaming others even when it hurts or affected the other person. They do not even apologize for it because they have an ego and mindset that they can never make mistakes.

A mature person knows that mistakes are common and they can be done by anyone unintentionally. A mature person has a different mindset with the mistakes, they take them as experience and learn from them. They understand that there is no harm in apologising. A mature person is aware of the impact he made on others from his act and he also knows that no one is perfect.

2. You Cannot Make Any Commitment 

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Making any commitment in life requires huge guts and an immature person always avoid commitments for the long term. If someone refuses to talk about their future plans, their commitments in life, then surely, they are immature. Because of their commitment issues, their relationships do not last for a long time, they leave so early because they have fear of commitments and the outcomes they may need to face. 

They hate labels of relationships like she is my girlfriend or he is my boyfriend. They start making distance once they found that they are getting emotionally close to someone. It can be because of past experiences like betrayal, being cheated, etc. 

A commitment makes a person act according to it and only a mature person can handle the commitments. It requires efforts and complete will to satisfy the commitments, which is why immature people have relationships lasting only for few months.

3. You Avoid Serious Talks and Responsibilities

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Are you a person who always runs away from responsibilities and avoid others? If yes, then this is a sign of immaturity. An immature person does not want to meet people who do serious real talks. They always avoid taking responsibility for anything even when it is important to them. 

An immature person always looks for excuses so that he does not have to enter into any serious talk, he starts making jokes or fun of it. They procrastinate intentionally just to avoid things. They think that talking to people and taking responsibilities will fill them with negativity and they will lose their freedom. These people are emotionally immature.

This type of acts can lead to emotional repression, your friends may start taking you lightly, making you worthless for them. A mature person will understand the value of conversation and responsibilities.

4. You Are a Narcissist 

Photo by Obi Onyeador on Unsplash

A person who only focused on oneself and does not listen to others or does not value others is not mature. An immature person when enters into conversation with others, all he talks about is himself, he will dominate the whole conversation with his beliefs and thoughts, without giving any value to the opinion of others. A narcissist or an immature person both act the same. 

An immature person with characteristics of narcissism does not hesitate to bully others or dominate others without any guilt or emotions. He will focus only on himself and his own needs, this is also an act of immaturity. 

A mature person always listens more than speaking, and it is also a sign of an intelligent person. He values the opinion of others and listens to others. He never focuses only on himself and his own needs. A mature person has the nature of giving, he never hesitates in sacrificing for other's help and goodness. 

5. You Defend Yourself When Questioned

Photo by Dmitry Vechorko on Unsplash

When someone asks you any questions, you start defending yourself with the habit of sticking with your personal opinion without thinking in other ways. It is a sign of immaturity. An immature person always starts arguments when asked something, even when there are no bad intentions of the other people. They cannot differentiate between their beliefs and their self-worth. When someone points towards his opinions or questions on it, he just starts defending himself from being wrong even when the other person is right.

In the case of a mature person, he understands the difference between his ideas and self-worth. They have an open mindset and a good sense of humour. They do not take any question so personally that they start doing arguments on it.

Being questioned is the situation, where some people will show maturity and some will show immaturity. A mature person understands that everyone can have their different opinion and there is nothing wrong with it taking it to the personal level or making it a question on his character.

So guys, Are you a mature person or an immature person? Tell me in the comment section below. If you think I missed some points, please let me know.

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  1. Good knowledge sharing!!!
    I am an immature person


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