

5 Traits of Strong Personality

Have you ever met someone whom you considered as perfect? The answer may be yes. It happens because the personality of that person is different and amazing as compared to others. Our personality plays an important role in society. If you have a strong personality, people will find you attractive and love to spend time with you. Today I will discuss the 5 traits or I can say 5 signs of a strong personality. 

If you find that these traits are not in you, then I have good news for you, you guys can build your own personality because it is possible to improve and build your personality. All it takes is patience and compromise. 

(Photo by Hunters Race on Unsplash)

So, Let's begin our post.

Traits of Strong Personality

1. Confidence

We always heard that confidence is the key to success and it is right because confidence is the sign of a strong personality. It is found in the studies that self-confident people tend to have a high rate of success in their life, and are more wealthy. When a person is self-confident, he does not fear the views of the other. 

(Photo by MD Duran on Unsplash)
To build confidence, you should always focus on your positive things and try to overcome and eliminate your weaknesses. Your strengths help in making you a more confident person. You should try to control your nervousness and stop underestimating yourself.

To become self-confident, you should always do the things in which you are good and you love to do them because when you do things that you don't know,  due to this, you may not get success and even you get demotivated.

2. Sense of Humour

What you guys do when someone comments on your looks or your clothes? If you get angry and feel insulted, then I have to be sorry but this is not the sign of a strong personality. A person with a strong personality always a have a great sense of humour which means that he will not get offended even when you insult him. He will respond with something funny or with a joke that will make the other people laugh.

(Photo by Tengyart on Unsplash)

When you have a good sense of humour, you can easily become an attraction in the group, your friends think you are funny and they will enjoy your company. 

Also, they know the difference between saying something funny and insulting someone, that's why they will never say anything funny related to the colour, race, or caste of other people. A person with a strong personality does not get hesitated even when insulting himself just for fun.

3. Can say 'No'

We all have the issue that when someone asks for any favour, we cannot reply with No. I agree that doing a favour to others is a kind action but you should never put yourself as a second priority when you are saying yes to anyone. A person with a strong personality is an expert in saying No in straight words when they do not want to do anything. They always considered themself as the first priority when thinking about doing a favour to others.

(Photo by Nadine Shaabana on Unsplash)

If you are not willing to do the favour, you make excuses but you don't say No in clear words, that is your weakness. You should always keep yourself first before others. To get in the habit of saying no, you should free yourself from the guilt of not helping others because it is the reason that stops you from saying No.

As per the researches, people who always do favours to others tends to get depressed easily because of not getting the kindness they have shown as the time of doing a favour. It needs to be understood that there is nothing wrong in saying 'No' when you don't want to do something for others.

4. Control on emotions

Emotions are the reason behind all our happiness and problems in our life. It is because emotions control us to do those things and take steps that we are unwilling to do. A person who posses a strong personality never become a puppet of emotions, he uses the brain instead.

(Photo by Amadeo Valar on Unsplash)

As we are humans, we all have feelings, we all feel happy, sad, angry, hurt, insults, etc., but we should never become too much emotional that we become a slave of our emotions and we cannot control it. When a person with a strong personality enters into any argument that heated up so much, he controls his emotion of anger and abuse, instead of it, he will either reply with calmness & funny way or simply walk away from the room in case he gets hurt from it.

It is necessary to become a master of emotions, not a slave. If someone becomes an expert in controlling emotions, then he does not have to face hate or arguments most of the time.

5. Deep Talker

When a person with a strong personality talks to you, either he will cut the bullshit and becomes direct to the point or talk with deep meanings and emotions for a long time. In short, strong personality people does not love to do small talk and does not waste their time on useless things, instead, they will love to talk about topics that will let them think deeply. Their topics for conversation will always be related to the things which are real. They do not like to talk about things that do not matter to them or have any impact on the real world.

(Photo by Christian Lue on Unsplash)

Even researchers have found that deep conversation is a good habit that should be developed by everyone. In studies, it is also found that when a person talks about real and applicable things, he will get more satisfaction as compared to small talks and conversation related to unnecessary things. 

These are some of the traits of a strong personality. If you have all these traits, congratulations to you and keep learning something new to build your personality stronger. If you don't have these traits, don't worry because the personality of a person always changes with the behaviour. So, try to change your behaviour and it will lead to a strong personality. 

If you found this article helpful, please let me know in the comment section.

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  1. This is very interesting to knows about these traits and i will definitely starts working on it👍😍


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