

5 Ways to Deal With Your Anger Issues

Disclaimer: The below-given ways and methods to control your anger are based on personal opinion, please don't consider it as professional advice. If you are suffering from serious anger or other related problems, you should always contact any mental health professional. There is no intention of hurting or pointing out anyone.
Today, I will discuss one of the major issues, which is ANGER. Being human, we all have feelings, we get sad when we do not get something we wanted, we become happy when something happens according to our expectations, we get surprised when we get to know something that we haven't expected and many hundreds of feelings including Anger. Anger is the major issue to which we deal with in our daily life. Many of you have no control over your anger which leads to the worst outcomes. 
In this post, I am going to discuss the ways that can help you to deal with your anger issues.
(Photo by Julien L on Unsplash)

Ways to Deal with Anger Issues

1.  Detect warning signs

(Photo by Aleksandr Kadykov on Unsplash)
This method is helpful only at the beginning of anger. The first thing you can do is to detect the signs that you started to feel angry. There are some signs of warning related to the beginning of anger in a person, these signs can be felt in the body or can be seen by oneself at the beginning of anger. You can analyse these signs:
  • You gritted your teeth
  • Your heart starts pounding fast
  • Your voice is increased
  • Your talk is changed into an argument
  • Your start sweating 
  • You become defensive
  • You start losing your sense of humour, etc.
If you analyse your anger, you will identify the above-mentioned and other related signs. It will be good to know when you are getting angry because it will help in controlling your anger. 

2. Identify the reason behind your anger

(Photo by Rob Schreckhise on Unsplash)
There is always a reason behind any emotion. It is an important part of anger management to know the reason behind your anger. According to the studies, it is found that most people get angry because of other hidden reasons that are unrelated to the talk or argument.
Some of the common reasons behind anger are: You are feeling sad, you are hurt by something or someone, you are under pressure, you are not getting desired results, you are upset, and maybe other reasons.
If you get to know the reason behind your anger, you will be able to control or overcome it. The identification of the reason behind anger is a helpful way to save yourself from ruining your relationship, your mood and your body.

3. Start Reverse Counting from 100

(Photo by Luis Morera on Unsplash)

I know this is a very common trick, you may have heard about it from your teacher or somewhere else, but the truth is it really works for your anger management.
When you count 100 in reverse order starting with 100, 99, 98, 97..... 3, 2, 1, it will help in diverting your mind from getting blown due to anger.
When you count in reverse, you have to put pressure on your mind to remember the numbers, it will give you time to calm your mind and think about the thoughts on which you are getting angry.
This activity will control your mind to return your sense of humour. You should always remember this trick because it can calm your mind and save you from the heat of the argument.

4. Walk Away

(Photo by Etienne Boulanger on Unsplash)

Many of you have issues with your tone when you get angry. You lose your senses and you start saying something that can hurt others so deeply, you don't even care what the other person feels or assume from the words you said in anger.
The best and useful method that can save you from dealing with the after causes of your anger is to walk away from the situation.
When you find that your anger is getting out of your control, and there is nothing you can do about it, then you should simply take a pause and walk away from the situation. 
There is nothing like cowardness in it because it can save you from blowing and hurting the other person because of your anger.
When you walk away from the situation, or the room, you and the other person will get time to calm your mind and think in a straight and more clear way. It will help you to clear your mind and let you think twice before getting the situation out of control.

5. Do physical movement

(Photo by Sam Moqadam on Unsplash)

Another best way to deal with anger issues is to get involved in physical exercise. You can start running from your house to the park, you can go to the gym and do a heavy workout, you can start the movement of your body parts in many other ways.
Exercise is considered the best way to deal with anger issues because when you do exercise, your body releases chemical named endorphins. The release of Endorphins helps in decreasing the stress on your mind and let you calm your mind and body.
You can also start writing about your anger in a diary, it will help to identify the reasons why you are angry and let you aware of the circumstances that you can face due to anger. Writing will take your mind away from thinking about anger and make you able to deal with your anger.  

Bonus tips

Your anger can ruin your whole life because people don't like to live with a person who can do anything in anger. You should control your anger to make your life happy and peaceful. for this, you can start doing things that can help you to calm your mind. For example, you can go for a walk in the park, you can start reading a book, you can listen to music, etc. All these activities are considered the best remedies to calm your mind.
You can also talk to your friends and family about why you get angry and seek their help to handle it. Anger can be good or bad, it depends on your attitude how will you take it. Anger can make you do good things and can even make you capable of achieving things that you might not be able to do by remaining calm.
If you think that your anger is getting out of your control, you should always contact any psychologist or mental health professional. 

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  1. This is good information that you shared with us and very helpful to get rid from Anger issues.👍💯

  2. This will really help me in my day to day life.....Keep writing


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