

9 Life Lessons You Must Learn

Living and surviving are two different things, and the sooner you will realise the difference, the better it will be for you. Everyone has a different life, they have their own ups and downs, but according to me, there are so many things which are common in all of us as we all are human beings. With this thought, these are 9 life lessons you must keep in mind whenever you feel low or not getting the results you want. 

Life Lessons You Must Learn

1. Physical things does not give you happiness in life

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Do you love expensive things?

Are you obsessed with owning things?

We all live in the same society where most people are just going to work to earn money. They do it for their entire life to get a huge bank balance. But the truth is your happiness in life does not depend on these material goods. If you are after these physical things, you are wasting your life on things that are not worthy of it. I know money is important to live a comfortable life but its obsession is not good for a happy life. 

2. Always make strong relationships 

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Relationships and strong bonds are the most important assets for everyone because when everything falls apart, only your close friends and family will stand with you. In life, always make strong relationships because being socialised with friends will make people feel happier and also decreases the health problems. It is found that people with large and strong social connections tend to live more than lonely ones. 

3. Time never stays the same

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Time is the most precious thing in life. When you get older, you can earn more money, you can become wiser, you can achieve everything in your life, but one thing you always lose is time. Your achievements cannot stop the time.

Time does not stay the same forever. Today, you may be suffering from sorrow or hopelessness because of not succeeding in life or you have to broke up with a person or you have to hurt yourself to overcome any addiction. But in the future, when the time changes, you may get more than you have expected from life. 

4. Things will not always go as per your plan

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Do you have ever experienced something not gone according to your plan?

Life is full of so many unexpected things so there are chances that things will not always go as per your planning and things may become more complicated. Being a human, we may lose hope and get demotivated, but one should not stop because of unexpected things. You cannot control all the factors of your life or surroundings and you have to accept that. You should prepare your mindset to face the consequences. 

5. Don't pretend to be someone you are not

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Do you pretend to be someone else just to get fit in?

We all have to pretend sometimes just to get ourselves fit in the society or in the crowd. But pretending to be someone else with different beliefs, the different mindsets will make you lose your real identity. If you are some much into acting like someone else just to please others then you are putting your happiness at the stake. You should always stand with your own beliefs and thoughts.

6. Take care of yourself

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Self-care is the mantra of happiness in life. This lesson should be always kept in mind every time. You should eat properly, sleep properly, do exercise on daily basis, and many other things to take care of yourself. You have one life, so is your body, so it is your responsibility to treat it well. You should leave bad unhealthy habits and prepare your life which includes the proper care of your body.

If you care for your body now, a healthy body will help you to be strong and live longer even in your 70s. A proper 8 hours sleep, proper timely meal three times a day, going for running or yoga in the morning, all these things will make your body healthy.

7. Don't be harsh on yourself

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Do you ever harsh on yourself because of any mistake you made?

You should never harsh yourself and feel negative about yourself. You should never think of yourself as a failure or consider yourself a stupid and worthless person. It will make you pessimistic about everything you do further in life. You must know that mistakes are common and it will be better to forgive yourself. If you do not accept it, it will demotivate you and make you question every step.

If you are struggling within, it will only worsen your mental health. It can also lead to depression and other serious problems. You should always be gentle and kind to yourself and never harshen yourself.

8. Don't hesitate in taking risks 

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Do you ask what-if questions in your mind whenever you are going to do anything?

Every step in life is risky so you should make this clear in your mind that you should never hesitate in taking risks in life. Risks will make you fail initially but after few attempts, you can achieve success in it. You should prepare your mindset with positiveness and taking failures as lessons because when you get older you will analyse your past choice.

When the time passed, make sure that you have no regrets about not taking a risk when you had a chance. If you will not give it a shot, it may make you feel regret in future, and according to me, taking risks and failing is better than regretting it.

9. Be thankful for every moment

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As a said earlier, time will not stay the same forever, it means the moments you lived will never return. People whom you love will not live forever and you too will be gone someday. Everyone has one life as a gift, so live it to the fullest.

You should be thankful for every moment you have lived either with ease or difficulty. You should be thankful for the moments you have seen in life whether the worst or beautiful ones. It is the story of your life, try to fill it with amazing adventures and moments and live life to its fullest. 

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