

5 Powerful Reasons Why You Should Stay Silent

Have you ever heard that Silence is the best answer to a fool or Silence is not empty, it is full of answers? I am sure you have heard these types of lines or motivational quotes many times. I also heard these things so I decided to do some efforts to find whether it is really true or just some shit lines. Guess what I found! Many successful and famous personalities used the power of silence to become what they are now. The most important thing you should know is, that being silent doesn't mean you become completely silent and stop saying anything, instead, being silent is an art of knowing when to talk, how much to talk and what to talk. 

So, Let's get to know the power of silence. 

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Reasons to stay silent/ talk less

1. Say Less, Regret Less

These days, people lack one of the most important skills, that is self-control. We often suffer from our lack of self-control and because of this, we face many consequences that we regret later. Being human, we have feelings, so getting angry at people when they say something, or do something to you, is normal. Sometimes we get blind in our anger that we start saying things which we should never say and we also don’t mean to say them but in anger we say them.

“Once the word out from your mouth, you cannot take them back.” You should always watch your tongue before saying anything because you may never know how much damage can your words do to the other person.

Silence is the key to self-control as it will give you a sense of holding your words and help you to calm down before saying anything stupid in a heated situation. If you stay silent, then you can say things after thinking or even leave the place for the moment, it can save the day by not making the situation worse. By staying silent, you will never say things you should never say.

2. Silence increases your value

Have you ever felt that people around you don’t give any priority or value to you? Do they always look down upon you like you don’t even exist there and your opinion doesn’t matter? If yes, then being silent can solve your problem and can increase your value.

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It is observed in many social groups and offices that a person who remains silent and talks only when needed is considered an intelligent person. If you talk only when you need to, then your opinion and your point will always matter to the other people. People will also listen to you more carefully as compared to the person who talks more. It will automatically make you their preference in any discussion. So, from today, start practising staying silent and talking less because after this anything you say will have more weight than any other person.

3. Silence makes your appearance as a powerful person

From the personality of many powerful people, it is observed that they use silence as a powerful tool in their life to defeat their enemies, negotiate and impress others. It is found that powerful people amaze and intimidate others by talking less.

You surely have seen many movies. In most movies, there is a character who makes you laugh, whose personality is like a clown. He makes you laugh by talking so much and you see him like a fool. On the other hand, if you look at the villain or any other powerful character, he will talk less and you will know just by his silence that he is so powerful. Yes, that thing is also applicable in real life, people who remain silent appears to be powerful person.

By appearing as a powerful person, you can negotiate with others on your own terms, and they will just wait for you to say something, it will also get them nervous around you.

4. Silence improves your listening and observation ability 

When you stop talking and start listening, then you will observe many things which you haven’t noticed earlier. Your power of observation will increase, you can look through a person whether he is lying to you and you can even know whether you can rely on them or not. You can notice the body language, and the nature of a person and can also know whether he is real or just pretending like that.

Being a silent person always helps in building a good relationship. You may be thinking that how is it possible to have a good relationship when one remains silent.

Photo by Yolanda Suen on Unsplash
Let me clear it to you again that being silent doesn’t mean you become dumb. People love to have conversations with a person who listens to them carefully, and by staying silent, you are giving them what they love. This will help you in knowing each other and build trust. If you start listening, then you can know much more about people. It will also make you a charismatic person as people love this kind of behaviour. 

5. Silence makes you win any argument

Silence is the soft power that can be used to win against your enemy or an argument. There are times when we face arguments in our daily life, in the office or in public places, and we start arguing with others. There are two things which a person can do when one got into an argument. One thing he can do is, he can start arguing in the same tone the other is using, like shouting, threatening, or using abusive words, and the other thing he can do is, he can simply stay silent without downgrading his level of manners.

So, what will happen with this? It will easily let you win that argument because if you are not saying anything, it will give a message that you do not value that argument or even that person, on which you would waste your time and energy. It will also confuse that person as he doesn’t know what you are thinking and what you will say.  Many powerful people used silence tricks to win the argument and even gained the respect of people.

Hope now you will understand why being silent is important for us. There are many other reasons for being silent but I will discuss them some other day. 

Which reason makes silence makes more powerful?

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