

7 Signs You Have a Gifted Personality

Photo by cottonbro
To whom do you consider a gifted person? Probably a person with extraordinary performance in school and academics, or a person who has extraordinary ability especially in the field of art like he is a great painter, a singer,  or an actor, etc. Now you are thinking that you are not among these types of people and you are just a normal person. But wait, I have something for you. A gifted personality does not mean to be always recognised by others. Some of the gifted abilities just do not get any recognition from others. So, in this post, I will discuss 7 signs or abilities which show you are gifted and you are different from many average people.

Before starting, you should know about who is considered a gifted person. A person with a high Intelligence quotient like 95-96 is considered a gifted person. To identify whether you are gifted or not, there is a test that is performed by professionals. If you want to know more about your personality, please visit a professional psychologist.

Signs You Have a Gifted Personality

1. You pick things up quickly

Did you learn to read quicker than your fellas? Do you learn things very quickly?

A gifted person possesses a quick memory which means he can learn things faster than a person of his age. Where others find it difficult to learn things, they learn them with just a little effort. It is not necessary that a quick learner is always a topper in class. A gifted learner needs an environment in which he can get things that creates challenges for him so that he can utilise this gift of quick learning. If that environment is not provided to him, then a gifted learner will become an under-achiever and he cannot use his complete potential in educating himself and learning

2. You are interested in diverse things

Do you find it difficult to work on one thing for long?

If one thing cannot keep you interested for a long time, and you keep changing your interest timely, then you are a gifted person. It is because there are people who live their life for one achievement, one career, one job, one passion, etc., but it is difficult for a gifted person to get attached to one thing. They keep doing many things at the same time that have no relation to other. This gift will make it difficult for you to live a stable life. But it is a gift that makes you live life to the fullest as it is full of many opportunities.

3. Your imagination power is strong

If you are a daydreamer and always imagine things that are just in your head, then it is a sign that you have a gifted personality. It is found that people with this gift have a high level of imagination which makes them creative in the field of art and science. With your imagination, you can create ideas that seem to me unrealistic but you give them an original shape. Because of your imagination, you also experience a lot of dreams as compared to normal people. This gift of strong imagination can make children create their own imaginary characters with whom they share their ideas.

4. You strive for perfection

Do you always look to give your 100% in whatever you do and you do everything to make things perfect?

If yes, then again it is a sign that you are gifted because a gifted person does not settle himself with low achievements or standards. You keep improving yourself even when others already recognised your talent. But there is a drawback as it leads to an imbalance between other things and your talent, which is known as asynchronous development. It means you become so great in one area but you become weak in others. If you have an exceptional talent for playing the piano you can make people fall in love with you but you lag behind in other areas like your physic

5. You just rely on yourself

Do you have interests other than things you do for a living or for academics?

A gifted person tends to have a self-motivated attitude, which means they just don’t rely on others and they keep doing things that they find interesting. If you do things that have no relation to your class or your job, but you still do it without any pressure or expectation of great outcomes, just for your interest and by your self-motivation, then you are a gifted person. As I said earlier, gifted persons have a wide range of interests, which means they keep doing different things and keep trying new things sometimes even by leaving previous things incomplete.

6. You have an insatiable curiosity

Do you always want to know more? Are you the one whose mind is always filled with questions?

If yes, then it is a sign that you are gifted because a gifted person always has a curiosity to know more about any topic and he just wants to make it clear that he knows everything about it from every perspective. Your curiosity makes you understand and solve complex questions by going in-depth and makes you use it in application better than your colleagues.

7. You are Weird

Do you find it difficult to cope with the ideology of your fellows?

If you have a gifted personality then you may seem weird to others because of your different ideology and exceptional way of solving things. It can make you stand out among your fellows. Because of your eccentricities, you can be criticized by your mates. It will make you an eccentric person. Also, because of this, you can feel alone and you will find it difficult to find someone whose ideology and interests are just like yours. This type of gift can also make you look like a patient suffering from many psychological disorders and you can be misdiagnosed with the related issues.

So that’s all for this post, I hope you find it helpful and you may also have a gifted personality. If not, don’t worry, we all are unique in our own ways and god loves us all the same.

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  1. 🙌🏿🙌🏿

  2. Nice write ✍️ up

  3. Thank u so much... It was very knowledgeable!


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