

8 Signs You Lack Confidence in Yourself

To build a strong personality, Confidence is one of the most important traits for a person. It makes you trust yourself and make decisions for yourself without any self-doubt. It can make you achieve your goals with ease. It is also said that confidence is key to a successful person. On the other hand, if you lack confidence, then there are chances that you may suffer from losses like missing an opportunity, or a person too.

It is true that only you know what you feel and what is going on in your mind, but there are some signs that make it clearly visible that you are not confident enough. These signs can be based on how you appear, how you talk, how you behave, etc. This post is made only to make you aware of the signs that imply that you lack confidence. It is important to know about your flaws and strengths so that you can improve yourself. These are 8 signs that show you lack confidence. One more thing, if reading doesn't give you pleasure, then you can also watch our videos on our youtube channel: Engineer Accidentally: 8 Signs You lack confidence in yourself . Don't forget to subscribe to our channel.

Signs You Don’t have enough Confidence

1. You always need someone to go out with

Have you ever gone out for lunch or dinner on your own without any friend or a person? If the answer is no, then it is a clear sign that you are not confident enough in yourself and you are dependent on others even for a lunch. You don’t go alone because you may think that people will stare at you and notice that you don’t have anyone to hang out with. But the truth is, you are just overthinking, people just don’t care as much about you that you think. Your fear of being alone stops you from trusting yourself and makes you doubt yourself. The company of friends is good but always asking them whenever you want to go out somewhere shows that you lack confidence.

2. You are slouching or showing bad body posture

It is found in studies that your body postures can reveal so many things about your personality. If you show a poor body posture or your body appears to be slouching or shrinking that you are compressing yourself into you, then this indicates that you are not confident enough and you are nervous. Some other poor body postures that show that you lack confidence are:

  • -        You cross your legs
  • -        You tap your foot continuously
  • -        You cross your arms
  • -        You avoid eye-contact

Your appearance can tell what’s going on inside your mind. So, try to avoid these postures and sit straight or stand straight. It is found in studies that sitting straight will automatically increase your confidence and make you look a confident person.

3. You ask for validation of others to please them

Do you always find it difficult to make a choice between two things and you ask others about their choice and also go with their choice? If the answer is yes, then this is a huge sign of a lack of confidence. It shows that your happiness and your choices are dependent on the opinion of others and you are not capable of making a choice. You also do this to please others so that they appreciate you and love you.

Suppose you have to choose between a red shirt and a black shirt, and you decided to choose black but still you are not sure which one to choose, so you asked your friend and they told you to choose red, and now you chose red because you want to please them and they have given you validation. This will make you lose your independence. You have to be confident enough to make your own choices.

4. You avoid social gatherings and quarantine yourself

Do you run from a social gathering like a party, a festival or a normal gathering of people? If yes, then again, it is a sign that you are not confident enough. It is observed that people with low confidence often don’t go to public gatherings and they just live alone. It is because you are not confident enough to share your thoughts and emotions with others. You find it difficult to understand whether you should say or not about how you are feeling and what you want in life. The origin of this doubt in your mind is because of the fear of getting rejected by the people because of your different ideology. You think that it is better to avoid being social than to share your thoughts and emotions and get insulted or made fun of by others. It shows that you lack confidence in your thinking and skills.

5. You always say ‘Yes’ without prioritising yourself

If you find it difficult to say no when someone asks for your help or when someone makes you do something, then it is also a sign that you lack confidence and your self-esteem is very low. You do not say ‘No’ because you fear that if you say no then it will disappoint others and you will be considered a selfish person. It is true that you should be generous and helpful to others but not all the time as you have to know the difference between really helping others and just pleasing others. It is a sign that you are not confident enough to withstand your priority. You have to respect your own boundaries and then expect others for doing the same.  

6. You run from arguments and conflicts with others

When you get into a conflict and you just want to run away from it without contributing or saying anything, then it is a sign that you lack confidence. It happens because you think that you don’t have anything to say or you don’t have any knowledge that you can contribute to the conflict or face the questions from others. It also happens because you don’t value yourself enough that you can say something which can resolve the conflict and cool down things. You underestimate yourself in front of others and you think it is better to run or avoid these conflicts and arguments. This is a sign that you don’t have confidence in yourself and your worth. Next time, when you get into a conflict, try to face it instead of running from it.

7. You are an Indecisive person

When you have to make any decision, you always look at others what they are doing and you just copy their decision because you have doubt about your decision and you think that your decision cannot be the right decision. This self-doubt in making decisions makes you an indecisive person, and it is a sign of lack of confidence. You always doubt your decisions and that you may be wrong and make mistakes. I am mentioning from the beginning of this post that self-doubt and lack of trust in yourself are the base of your lack of confidence. If you are not sure about your decisions and avoid being a decision-making person then it shows you are not confident enough.

8. You are not concerned about your self-care

When you are lacking confidence, then you start thinking that taking care of yourself does not matter as you will look the same and unworthy to others. You don’t look at yourself and ignore your self-care routines like cleaning up your room, ignoring your worth, and taking care of your body and appearance. If you are lacking confidence then you will think that you will be the same worthless, invaluable person even when you do self-care so it does not matter to you. It is important that you should know that taking care of yourself is a step toward boosting your confidence. If you are ignoring yourself and just living without loving and taking care of yourself, then it is also a sign of lack of confidence. 

Now you understand whether you are lacking confidence or not. But wait, that's not the end of the topic, in the upcoming post, I will discuss the habits that can decrease or destroy your confidence.

If you have something to say or want to tell me your views, then feel free to do comment in the comment section.

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