

10 Signs You Are a Narcissist: Understanding the Personality Disorder

Narcissism is a personality disorder characterized by a grandiose sense of self-importance, a lack of empathy, and a constant need for admiration. Individuals with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) often have difficulty maintaining healthy relationships and may struggle with emotional regulation. In this blog, we will explore the 10 signs that indicate you may be a narcissist.

10 Signs You Are a Narcissist: Understanding the Personality Disorder

1: Inflated Sense of Self-Importance

Narcissists have an inflated sense of self-importance and believe that they are superior to others. They often seek recognition and admiration from others and may have a sense of entitlement. If you constantly feel that you are more important than others, or believe that you deserve special treatment, you may be exhibiting narcissistic tendencies.

2: Lack of Empathy

Narcissists often have a lack of empathy for others and struggle to understand or care about other people's feelings. They may be dismissive of others' concerns and show little interest in their emotional well-being. If you find it difficult to empathize with others or struggle to connect emotionally, you may be exhibiting signs of narcissism.

3: Excessive Self-Promotion

Narcissists often engage in excessive self-promotion and may constantly talk about their achievements, skills, or talents. They may also seek out praise and compliments from others and may become defensive or angry when their accomplishments are not recognized. If you find yourself constantly promoting yourself or seeking validation from others, you may be exhibiting narcissistic traits.

4: Difficulty Handling Criticism

Narcissists often have difficulty handling criticism and may become defensive or aggressive when faced with negative feedback. They may also struggle with accepting blame or responsibility for their actions and may shift blame onto others. If you find it difficult to accept criticism or always try to deflect blame onto others, you may be exhibiting narcissistic tendencies.

5: Lack of Boundaries

Narcissists often have a lack of boundaries and may overstep others' boundaries. They may disregard other people's needs or wants and may manipulate or control others to get what they want. If you struggle to respect other people's boundaries or frequently cross them, you may be exhibiting narcissistic behavior.

6: Preoccupation with Appearance

Narcissists are often preoccupied with their appearance and may spend a lot of time and effort on their appearance. They may also become defensive or upset if their appearance is criticized or if they feel they are not receiving enough attention for their appearance. If you are preoccupied with your appearance or become upset when others criticize your appearance, you may be exhibiting signs of narcissism.

7: Sense of Entitlement

Narcissists often have a sense of entitlement and believe that they deserve special treatment or privileges. They may become angry or upset when they do not receive the treatment they believe they deserve and may have unrealistic expectations of others. If you feel entitled to special treatment or become angry when you do not receive it, you may be exhibiting narcissistic traits.

8: Manipulative Behavior

Narcissists may engage in manipulative behavior to get what they want. They may use charm, flattery, or deceit to manipulate others, and may become angry or upset when their manipulative tactics do not work. If you engage in manipulative behavior or try to control others to get what you want, you may be exhibiting narcissistic tendencies.

9: Lack of Self-Awareness

Narcissists often lack self-awareness and may have difficulty recognizing or acknowledging their own flaws or weaknesses. Another common trait of narcissism is a lack of self-awareness. Narcissists may struggle to recognize their own flaws or limitations, and may have an inflated sense of self-importance. They may believe that they are superior to others and deserving of special treatment, without considering the impact of their behavior on those around them.

10: Difficulty with Intimacy

Narcissists may struggle with intimacy in relationships, as they often prioritize their own needs and desires over those of their partner. They may struggle to empathize with their partner or show emotional vulnerability, which can lead to difficulties in maintaining healthy relationships. If you find that you struggle with intimacy in relationships or prioritize your own needs over your partner's, you may be exhibiting narcissistic tendencies.

How to Address Narcissistic Tendencies

If you recognize any of these signs in yourself, it's important to take steps to address your narcissistic tendencies. Here are some tips that may be helpful:

  1. Seek professional help: A mental health professional can help you understand your narcissistic tendencies and develop healthy coping mechanisms.
  2. Practice empathy: Work on developing your empathy skills by actively listening to others and trying to understand their perspective. Practice putting yourself in their shoes and considering their feelings.
  3. Practice self-reflection: Take time to reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Consider how your behavior may be impacting others and identify areas where you could improve.
  4. Set healthy boundaries: Practice respecting other people's boundaries and setting healthy boundaries for yourself. This may involve saying no to things you don't want to do or taking time for self-care.
  5. Practice self-care: Taking care of your own physical and emotional needs is important for managing narcissistic tendencies. Make sure to get enough sleep, eat well, exercise, and engage in activities that bring you joy.

By taking these steps, you can work towards managing your narcissistic tendencies and developing healthier patterns of behavior. Remember, change is possible with effort and support.


In conclusion, narcissism is a personality disorder that can have a significant impact on an individual's relationships and emotional well-being. If you recognize any of these signs in yourself, it may be helpful to seek the guidance of a mental health professional. With awareness and support, it is possible to address and manage narcissistic tendencies and develop healthier patterns of behavior.

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