

Why Indian Parents are Obsessed with Arranged Marriage?

Arranged marriages have been a part of Indian culture for centuries. Despite the country's rapidly changing landscape, the practice continues to be prevalent, with parents playing a central role in the decision-making process. While some may view this practice as outdated or oppressive, it remains a cherished tradition for many Indian families. In this blog, we will explore the reasons behind why Indian parents are obsessed with arranged marriages and how it continues to be a part of the country's cultural fabric.

Reasons why Indian Parents are Obsessed with Arranged Marriage?

Section 1: Tradition and Cultural Norms

In India, marriage is not just a union between two individuals but a union between two families. Traditionally, Indian families place a great deal of importance on maintaining family ties and ensuring social stability. This is why parents play such a crucial role in arranging marriages. They believe that by choosing a suitable partner for their children, they are ensuring their future happiness and security. For many Indian parents, arranged marriages are simply part of their cultural identity, and they take great pride in carrying on the tradition.

Section 2: Family Involvement and Support

Another reason why Indian parents are so obsessed with arranged marriages is that they view it as an opportunity to strengthen family ties. In many cases, the process of arranging a marriage involves the entire family, including grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. This level of involvement not only ensures that the chosen partner is compatible with the family, but it also provides a sense of community and support for the couple.

Section 3: Compatibility and Shared Values

While it may seem counterintuitive, arranged marriages in India are often based on the idea of compatibility and shared values. Indian parents take great care in choosing a partner for their children who share similar backgrounds, education levels, and socio-economic status. By doing so, they believe that the couple will have a better chance of building a strong and lasting relationship. Indian parents also place a great deal of importance on the values and character of the potential partner, ensuring that they are honest, responsible, and respectful.

Section 4: Financial Stability and Security

Finally, financial stability and security are significant factors for Indian parents when it comes to arranged marriages. In a country where job security and financial stability are not always guaranteed, parents see marriage as a way to provide their children with a secure future. By choosing a partner who has a stable job and financial resources, they believe that their children will be better equipped to face any challenges that may come their way.

Section 5: Pressure and Expectations

While arranged marriages can be a source of stability and security, they can also be a source of pressure and expectations. Indian parents often have high expectations for their children's future partners, and the pressure to conform to these expectations can be overwhelming. In some cases, this pressure can lead to unhappy or unsuccessful marriages, especially if the couple is not compatible or does not share the same values.

Section 6: Changing Attitudes and Modernization

Despite the continued prevalence of arranged marriages in India, there has been a shift in attitudes towards the practice in recent years. As Indian society becomes more modernized and individualistic, younger generations are beginning to challenge the traditional role of parents in arranging marriages. Many young Indians are now choosing to pursue love marriages or courtships, which allow them greater autonomy in choosing their partners. However, arranged marriages still remain a popular choice for many families, especially in more rural or traditional areas of the country.

Section 7: Misconceptions and Stereotypes

There are many misconceptions and stereotypes surrounding arranged marriages in India. Some people may view the practice as oppressive or patriarchal, while others may assume that the couples involved have no say in the matter. While these perceptions may be true in some cases, they do not necessarily reflect the full complexity of arranged marriages in India. It is important to recognize that arranged marriages can take many different forms and may involve varying degrees of input from the individuals involved.


In conclusion, arranged marriages continue to be a significant cultural practice in India, and for many parents, it is a way to ensure the happiness, security, and future success of their children. While it may not be the ideal choice for everyone, it is essential to understand the cultural and societal factors that influence this tradition. Whether we agree with it or not, arranged marriages will likely continue to be a part of Indian culture for generations to come.

Keywords: arranged marriages, Indian culture, family ties, compatibility, financial stability, cultural identity, social stability, shared values, community support.

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