

5 Must-Apps for Photographers

When you go for a war, it is important to have a weapon in your hand. When you go for repair, there is a requirement of tools to perform operations. The same is applied to the photographers, you don't need weapons or repairing tools, but you need to have a proper camera, lens and applications. A photographer can easily take a photograph but the most difficult task for him is to change the raw photo to a representable one, for this, there is no need for hardware but software. A photographer should be well aware of the software or applications that can help him grow professionally and on social media too.
Today, in this post, I will talk about the five most important applications that should be used by every photographer while editing, retouching and uploading your work on a social media platform like Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn. 
(Photo by Benjamin Raffetseder on Unsplash)

Must-Apps for Photographers


If we are talking about must apps, it is mandatory to include this application because it is responsible for solving the major issue of light and colour grading in photographs. Adobe Lightroom is like a master tool in enhancing your image with light, colours, shadow, highlights, curves, effects, etc. It is also a free app which means that it can be used by everyone. It is available for smartphone and computer both. If you don't know about lighting and colour grading then there are many presets available on YouTube and Google which can be applied to your photos in just one click. The functions that are available in Lightroom are available in only a few apps and Adobe Lightroom is the best of it. By Lightroom, you can change or customise the colours of photos, one by one. The options like selection and removal tool are also available in Adobe Lightroom you have to pay for activating the full version.

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Another app that is important for photographers is Snapseed. It is developed by Google itself which is available on the play store. The functions and features offered by Snapseed are different from Adobe Lightroom. Snapseed is mostly used by photographers when they need to work on layers and create illustrations. I love editing my photos from Snapseed when I have to write text on an image, or inserting layers of image, creating an image with more than one object, creating double exposures, etc. It is also a free application that can be used by everyone. The features and functionality of Snapseed depend on your creativity and imagination, and cannot be discussed in text format. It is also helpful in healing your image by removing unwanted elements from your photo, this feature is available in the paid version of Adobe Lightroom. You can also extend your image too if you want to fill the frame.


When you click a photograph, then maybe you don't get the angle of light as you wish to, so this app is capable of giving artificial rays of light to your image. By use of this app, you can make your photographs look amazing by inserting different light ray patterns like sun rays, rainbow, etc. Many of the effects are available for free but you have to pay for more effects to get access to them. These effects will help in showing natural light rays in the image, and you can also use various weather effects like snowfall in your image. It is helpful when you want to create a photograph with a certain mood or time even when it is not available at the time when you clicked photos. Many professional photographers even go for the pro version of this app to use all the functions and resources available in the app.


Well, I will not prefer it qualitywise, but this is an amazing app if you love editing your photos. There are so many options and features available in this app, you can call it a combo of various apps. It has inbuilt filters of every type, you can use them for giving a different look to your image. It also has layer functions, which enables you to create double exposure shots. The most useful function which I found so much useful, is the Cut-Out function, it enables us to cut out our element or portrait from the whole photograph. It can be done by using an AI system of application or even manually. I have seen many creators who are using just this app for their work. The whole thing depends on how creative you are while using this app. With the help of layers, you can create vector designs, logos, etc.


If you are having a large audience and you are most active on the social media platform, then Canva is your assistant. As I told you in the beginning, as a photographer, you need to show your work creatively and uniquely. For this, there is a need for an assistant like Canva by which you can create your story, reels and posts easily. There are many other uses of Canva which includes creating thumbnails for youtube videos, designing posters and logos, icons for YoutTube. You can even create a collage of photos easily, prepare your presentation and many more things. All these things can be done very easily because it has so many prepared templates, you just have to choose what do you want for. I mostly use Canva for designing my Instagram stories and posts because there are so many resources like fonts, templates, images, available free of cost.

Some other important apps 

Adobe Spark Post
Photo Lab 
That's all for this post, I hope I have given all the required information about the apps. I know there are many other apps which are used by you, and maybe more user friendly than all these apps, If you guys know other apps that are useful for photography, you can tell me in the comment box, also, if you found this helpful, please let me know in the comment section. 

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  1. Thank you very much for the invitation. A very interesting post.


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