

5 Ways to Get People to Respect You

We all want many things from our life, our partner, society, job and other things but we don't get all that we want. Respect is one thing which is so much desired by the people in society and friend circle. If a person respects you means he knows that you deserve it. Many of the elders get respected because of their age and experience. But not everyone is like elder people and many of you don't get respect from the people you want to. Don't worry guys, if you want respect, you have to earn it by doing hard work, by knowledge, and by some tips and tricks that will make a positive impression and it will make people respect you.

Many a time, we all feel that we are not valued or respected in the way we want even if we are so good and kind. Often when you say anything in your friend circle, they don't value your opinion which makes you feel humiliating. Sometimes you are also harshed and taken for granted because of your behaviour. Today, I am going to discuss 5 ways by which you can make people respect you and give you importance by changing your behaviour.

Ways to get People to Respect You


Start by respecting yourself first

(Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash)

The most important thing from which you can start to get respect is to start respecting yourself. This is the first step because if you don't value yourself then how can you wish that other people will give you respect. Self-love is the best remedy for solving all your problems, which is also applied in this situation. You should know your worth that will help you look forward and ignore the people who don't like you or respect you. Your self-respect should be stronger than how you are treated by the people you are surrounded by. There is nothing wrong with self-love because it makes you stronger and capable of facing a harsh situation. When you start practising self-love you will get to know that you have the full right to live your life with your own choice like what to eat, what to buy, what to offer, etc. You will not face the guilt of saying "NO" to the options you don't like.

It will also help you to choose your friends and a relationship which is healthy for you.


Stop Over-apologizing

(Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash)
Saying sorry is a kind gesture, but saying sorry all the time even when there is no fault of yours, is wrong because then the value of your sorry is taken for granted by the person who is always hearing it from you. People become habitual of hearing your SORRY. Sometimes, when things don't go as per plan, you say sorry; when you are having a different opinion, you say sorry; when you have done something to make yourself happy, you say sorry. But the truth is, if you say sorry for everything, people will think that you are submissive and they can take advantage of it by making you feel guilty for the faults which are not made by you. Your apology should carry a weight that needs to be valued and understood by others. When you cannot do a favour, stop saying sorry for it because that does not require an apology. If you have an opinion, stay with it without any guilt and second thoughts of apologizing for it. If you want to get respect from people, then stop apologizing all the time, you can start by leaving your hobby of saying sorry. 


Stop Being Nice all the time
Everyone wants to be kind and nice to others but sometimes, when you act as nice just because you feel that you can hurt others, then you are making a mistake because it can make an adverse effect on your own mood and feelings. There are some people out there who can take advantage of your being kind but that doesn't mean you should stop being nice to others. The thing that I want to say is to be yourself, if you want to be nice, you do it, but in the case when you have to act as nice, you should stop doing it. Suppose your friend invites you to go out to the club but you want to stay at home and watch movies, in this situation, if you accept the invitation then you are just suppressing your feelings and you have acted as nice. Instead of it, you can simply deny the offer and do whatever is your plan. You don't have to feel guilty for it that you hurt him and he will not like you anymore. If they do so, you should distance yourself from this type of person. When your friend asks for a favour every time, then only do it when you want to, not when you have to. You should know when to be nice and when to put yourself first without any act of happiness and enjoyment in the club.


Set Boundaries and Speak Up

(Photo by Bonnie Kittle on Unsplash)
Many of you guys are shy in nature and can't speak when there is an argument or when something is messing up with your personal space. So, it is important to set the boundary for people or friends to which they are not allowed to cross by you. When you are shy and don't speak for yourself then you are allowing the other person to suppress you and treat you as granted. For example, when you are watching TV with your friend at your home, your friend likes football and you like cricket and he is not changing the channel, and you are not saying him to change because you are too shy. In this condition, you should speak up for yourself in a good tone and tell him that you want to watch cricket so change the channel. There is nothing wrong with it because that's your house, your TV and your wish to watch. There should be a boundary that will save you from the burden of guilt and the choices of others. In a group, you can use techniques like calling the name, gestures and posture of your hands to make them listen to your opinion.


Gain Confidence and Knowledge

(Photo by Gabriella Clare Marino on Unsplash)

Gaining confidence and knowledge, both these things are related to each other. This is the most important point for getting respect because it is necessary to be confident all the time which will make people think that you deserve respect and you have good knowledge. There are two different things, gaining confidence and looking confident. If you just want to look confident then you can improve your appearance which depends on the posture of your body. You can use gestures of hand and make eye contact at the time of conversation. On the other hand, if you want to gain confidence, you should work on getting knowledge because when you know something, you automatically get confident. I prefer to gain confidence because it will allow you to say your opinion and people will value it. A person with knowledge is always respected by the people. You can make yourself full of knowledge or skills which are not available in the circle of your friends. Also, Knowledge is the key to your self-respect too because it will make you aware of various things which are not known to others.

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