

7 Ways to Make Yourself Valuable

Respect, A word that we heard many times and almost everyone wants to get respected in society, in the office, among friends etc. But the truth about respect is you cannot ask for respect from others, it is something which you have to earn by yourself.  To earn respect, it is important that people should value you, value your decisions and you matter to them. If people value you, they will listen to you, they will appreciate you and they cannot say anything bad about you. If they don’t value you, then you will always get ignored and you will never get respect from them. So today, in this post, I will discuss 7 ways or tips which you can use to get yourself valued by others.

Ways to make yourself valuable

Photo by fauxels

1. Always stick to your words or commitment

There is a popular saying in India taken from Ramayana

“Pran Jaye Par Vachan Na Jaye”

It means- Your promises or words have more value than your own life.

To get valued, words are your first power, and using them precisely can build your positive image. When you say something to someone, you should always mean it, whether you are promising or scheduling anything. People always value a person who sticks to his words and never procrastinates or gives excuses. If you tell someone that you will do this task then you must complete that task.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

If you are a rolling stone who does not have stability in his words or actions, then forget about being valued. If you don’t stick to your words, you lie about what you said, you give excuses for your mistakes, and you blame others for not getting things done about what you said, then no one will trust you or rely on you. So, always match your actions with your words.

2. Make your absence felt by others

Always keep in mind whether your presence matters or not, but your absence should always be felt by others. If you are working in any firm or you always stay with your friends, then you should make yourself such that your absence should be felt by others. Sometimes, when you are working for a big company and you are good at your work and you also do hard work but still, they don’t value you. Then you should take a break from your work and let them feel your absence and make them realise your importance to them like how valuable you are to them.

Photo by Andrew Neel, Pexels

“Be like salt whose presence is not known to anyone but the absence is felt by all”

Hard work and skill are important to become a valuable person but it is also important to make others realise that they need you and you are valuable to them.

3. Keep yourself busy

It is in our human nature that we value things which we get with difficulty or after struggling. This thing is also applicable here. If you are always available for others then they will never value you because they know they can meet you or talk to you whenever they want. It will make you a worthless person who has nothing to do. They will never know whether you should be valued or not and they will always look down upon you.

Photo by Csaba Balazs on Unsplash

If there is a choice between a busy friend and a free friend for a meeting, then people will always choose the busy one because they value that person and know that if they miss this chance, he will be busy again. So always keep yourself occupied. When you have nothing to do, keep yourself busy with learning new things. It will increase your value and people will also appreciate your time and efforts.

4. Improve your communication skills

Communication is the most important skill which should be mastered if you want to become valuable. If you lack communication skills then you will not able to build any connections with people. You should know how to speak to a person who is working on your upper level or working under you. It is also applicable in the society like how you talk to a person who is elder than you, younger than you or of the same of your age.

Communication affects your personality, if you abuse others, use curse words, talk negative, talk rudely, have a bad tongue in anger and demotivate others then all these things are hurdles in getting yourself valued by others. On the other hand, if you talk politely, have patience, know your limits while saying something, don't abuse anyone, appreciate others, have a positive mindset and inspire others by talking to them then it will make you a charismatic person and people will start valuing you.

5. Show them how talented you are

Suppose Da Vinci never showed his paintings to the world, then how will he become the most famous painter? To get valued by others, you should show others what you have got and why should they value you. If you have something special or unique then you should tell others about it through your work. In your group, if you are a good guitarist then show them how good you are at playing the guitar, if you are good at photography then show them how good you are at clicking photos. If you are working in any company, and you have good knowledge about any tool then you should tell them about it.

Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

People will value you only if they will get to know about it, not when you hide it from them. You have to give them a reason to give value to you.

6. Never shy in giving compliments or respecting others

Appreciation is something that is always loved by people. People love to get compliments for their work or talent. To increase your value, you should also give value to others. If you respect others, they will also respect you. A good compliment or appreciation to others will also help you in getting into their mind and heart. If you appreciate their work, they will also give compliments on your turn.

Photo by Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash

It is considered a good gesture to compliment others. It can increase your value because by doing so, next time when they do something, they will always look for you to ask how was their work, whether you loved it this time or not. It will automatically increase your value in giving feedback and appreciation. They will also listen to your advice and try to impress you.

7. Increase money in your bank account

Money is known to be the most powerful asset in gaining power. Today, a person with a huge bank balance will have more power and can control many things. Money can solve 99% of problems and can get you almost everything you want. People will value you more because you have power in your hand and money in your bank account. If you have a huge bank balance, then people will come to you to get your support and help. It will make you a valuable person to them.

Photo by Avery Evans on Unsplash

On the other hand, if you don’t have money, people will never give as value as they give to the rich ones. It is true that all the rich people with huge bank balances cannot get the respect of people, but still, they have more value as compared to a person with a low bank balance.

The most important thing to get valued by others is, that you should start valuing yourself first. You should understand your value and build yourself such that everyone notices you and give you preference. To increase your value, first, you have to do hard work and make yourself capable of doing things perfectly. 

I hope now you know how you can make yourself more valuable. If you liked this post and have anything to say, just drop your views in the comment section. 

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  1. Nice 👍👍

  2. It was very interesting, knowledgeable and helpful, I really loved it👍💯


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