

7 Things You Should Never Google

Google is almost used by everyone for searching their queries and improving their knowledge. But do you know that you should never Google everything you want to know? There are many things that you should never Google and always should be kept that way. Hello Readers, Today I will discuss the top 7 things you should never ever search on Google.

Internet is an important part of our daily life. We use it to know how to cook dishes, how to lose weight, how to solve computer problems, and for many other things as there is no limit of data on the Internet. Google is the favourite or most used search engine all over the world which means we all love Google. To keep yourself self and unaware of disturbing things, we should never Google the things which I am going to discuss in this post.
(Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash)

Things You Should Never Google



(Photo by Angiola Harry on Unsplash)

Everyone wants good health and wealth. We easily get worried about our health when we fall ill. If you want to live without any worries then you should never search for Cancer on Google because there are so many types of Cancer and you may get panic when you see their symptoms. Many types of cancer have very common symptoms that we all feel in our daily life like nausea, dizziness, and others. When you become aware of it, this will not help you in a positive way, instead, it will increase your worries and doubts related to your health.


Activities of things related to Crime

(Photo by Bermix Studio on Unsplash)

Some people are curious and always wanted to know how thief steals from selves, how to make a bomb, how to grow weed at home, and many other topics and things related to criminal activities. But talking seriously, you should never search for these topics on Google because the Drug Control Department and Security Department always have a record of these searches and the IP address of your system can be saved in the database of the Government systems. I know you guys are curious, but you should avoid this while searching on Google because it can put you in the cell. 


Infections of Bedbug

Many of you may have heard of this little creature when you stay at a hotel or when you read reviews of hotels. even you may have felt the harm from these bedbugs on your skin too. I wish you will never see the real infection of Bedbug on the skin on Google because it can make you sleepless at night. The infection of the Bedbug is seriously so much disturbing to watch and you may start feeling this when you go for sleeping on your bed in the hotel room. You better not Google it, because the images which may appear on Google, if once seen, cannot be unseen.


Symptoms & Treatment of Your Illness

(Photo by Christina Victoria Craft on Unsplash)

If you are feeling ill and want a prescription, you should never go for Google because if you do so, the results and pages giving advice are not always handled by professionals in the health, and you are unaware of it. It is difficult to analyse or evaluate all the health and medical pages whether they are genuine or not. So, if you start treatment of your illness by reading prescriptions from Google then you are making a huge mistake. Instead of searching on Google, you should visit a real doctor who can treat your illness after proper examination and testing. Please avoid searching your symptoms, it can also make you aware of many serious diseases with the same symptoms that can make you panic.


Terrifying Animals

(Photo by David Clode on Unsplash)

Earth is full of different species and creatures that include many terrifying and dangerous animals. There is a huge list of terrifying and dangerous animals available on Google. When you know about these different animals, you may get different phobias related to these animals like arachnophobia. These phobias related to animals may impact your favourite hobby of travelling. It can also make you scared when you walk at night when you find that there are many terrifying animals that are living in your region too. Now, you know why you should never Google about terrifying animals, I hope you will avoid it too.


Diseases or Harms related to skin

We all love our skin and we all are very sensitive about our skin, But you should never Google about the diseases related to skin and the condition or symptoms which you feel on your skin because the result you will see on Google image will make you sleepless at night and you can't unseen these pictures after seeing it once. There are so many diseases related to skin and they can affect your skin so adversely. While researching this topic, I have seen some results and I wish you will not get to see these images. You should keep your skin conditions to yourself or your doctor and never Google it.


Your Name

Yes, That's right, you should never Google your name. Internet is full of knowledge and garbage too, so there are chances that when you Google your name, you may see images or data which is not relevant to you but are related to your name, so, it is best to avoid searching it on Google. Even you can find your unpleasant and bad pictures or old information. It is known to us very well that we don't get enough privacy on the Internet, which means our personal data is always at risk. When you find these results, it can impact your mental health and it's not easy to delete all of them from Google. You have the choice to unseen it after Google or just ignore the idea of searching your name on Google.

There are many other things that you should never search on Google like parasite removing videos, flues related to eyes, scenes after the blast, etc. but these things generally don't come to everyone's mind. 

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